Stuck in Niche Drama

It’s almost the end of the year. Can you believe it? I have 2 rambunctious toddlers at home, so this whole year has been an absolute whirlwind in the Coker household. Just last week — was it last week… — someone asked me what I did over the weekend, and I couldn’t even remember. These days just rolllllll together.

My business has also been a a rollercoaster ride. As we near the end of 2023 and begin rolling into 2024, I find myself wondering if I should move in a new direction in my business. I keep considering other ways of serving as an entrepreneur. Some things I have considered moving into are: grey area drinking coaching (helping people stop drinking daily or binge drinking), bad habit accountability coaching, going all in on teaching yoga online and in-person, designing and selling cookies/cakes, art classes, and a few other random things.

&&& what happens when I do this internal questioning is — I get STUCK in my brain. Rather than just offering the product or service and moving on with my life, I start questioning everything in my entire life and business. I tend to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Like this… “Oh, I want to help people stop drinking too much? Better re-do ALL of my branding, delete my website, go get a masters degree, put out a radio ad, buy a building, and change my name.”

It’s crrrrazy.

Have you been there? Are you there now? Are you swirling ’round and ’round in a spin cycle in your brain?

If so…….. you are not alone.

Niche drama is REAL y’all. And it keeps us from moving forward.

Let’s UNLEASH from the NICHE today. Let’s DITCH the NICHE. (I guess it’s pronounced both ways…… 🤷‍♀️)

Being stuck in the NICHE is so CLICHE. (Yeah, why not? 🙆‍♀️ )

Your niche is actually……. unimportant.

Instead, focus on creating a product or service – something you can offer to people that will help them in some way.

>>>You don’t have to wrap your entire identity around the thing that you sell.<<<

>>>But you DO have to sell it.<<<

If you find yourself getting stuck, spinning out in your mind, and slowing your progress, I can help.

As your 1-on-1 Creative Biz Coach, I can help you keep moving forward and making money in your business week after week.

(I can even help you stop drinking & smoking, and teach you a yoga pose or 2.)

It’s NORMAL to have niche drama. A coach will help you work through it and keep going.

What is keeping you stuck right now & what action will you take to keep going?

<3 Kielecia